
DIH Talks Season 2: here we go!

In order to help companies better understand the challenges and benefits of digital transformation and Industry 4.0, the L-DIH is organising, for the second year, a series of conferences to share info

After the success of the first series of DIH Talks, organised at the initiative of the Luxembourg Digital Hub (L-DIH) last year, the second season was launched this Thursday.

This webinars, which are organised in collaboration with the L-DIH partners (FEDIL, LIST, University of Luxembourg, Chamber of Commerce, FNR and the Ministry of the Economy), target industrial companies in Luxembourg.

They provide not only a detailed view of the steps and processes of digital transformation, but also an overview of the available offering and service providers in this field that is as comprehensive as possible.

This second season consists of 7 webinars that will address the digital transformation journey, from the customer experience all the way to supplier management. Digital media trends that impact digital transformation plans will also be discussed, as well as the potential of the latest technologies.

Companies will have the opportunity to share practical experience from their own digital transformation process as a source of inspiration and inside knowledge.

Customer experience first

“Putting the consumer experience at the heart of digital transformation is essential,” reminded L-DIH Director Arnaud Lambert in the introduction to this first episode. “It’s all about simplicity, customer orientation, personalisation, transparency, agility, traceability and connection to an ecosystem. This B2C or C2C experience must serve as a model for B2B developments.

Étienne Jacqué, Corporate R&D Manager at Cebi International and Michelle Detaille, President of FEDIL, were the speakers of this first DIH Talk season 2.

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