
Apply for DIH-World Open Call (EN)

The DIH-World consortium is pleased to invite you to apply for the second Open Call.

The DIH-World consortium is pleased to invite you to apply for the second Open Call, which will select and support up to 20 SME-driven experiments that integrates digital technologies in the processes, products or services of manufacturing SMEs. Innovative experiments are projects to be implemented by a consortium made of an SME and a Digital Innovation Hub.

The DIH-World open call is designed to support digitalisation experiments involving DIHs and SMEs from the manufacturing sector. Innovative experiments will receive up to EUR 95.000,00 to support the integration of digital technologies in the processes, products or services of an SME. The selected innovative technology experiments will be joining the DIH-World community, boosting the interaction and cross border cooperation among DIHs and SMEs, and also among DIHs from the European Network.

If you would like more information about the call, a new webinar will be held on the 25th of May where we will solve all your doubts.

Register online!


# FOR DIHs: DIHs will support SMEs in integrating digital technologies in their processes, products or services through the experiment while joining the DIH-World DIH Academy. The selected DIHs will receive tailored training / coaching in line with the various dimensions of their business model, ensuring both quick wins and long-term sustainability.

# FOR SMEs: Through the DIH-World experiments, SMEs will receive financial support to integrate digital technologies and transform their processes, products or services to remain competitive.

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