
4.0 Industry, best ally of the industrial relocation? (EN)

After a year revolving around the pandemic, the industrial relocation perspectives are on the lips of everyone. New technologies are key if we want to succeed.

The health crisis has without a doubt reinforced the idea that some industrial production needed to be relocated.

We can notice some positive signals for the industrial sector, namely the strong involvement of authorities, a higher demand in terms of adaptability, the standardizing of telework and globally, the awareness that innovative solutions allow the transition to the factory of the future.

Producing in small series so as to meet the customer demand of proximity and responsiveness, modernizing production sites using technology, reducing production costs and controlling the value chain are all assets of Industry 4.0 to support the relocation of production.


According to a study by Forrester Consulting, more than 60% of digital transformation projects in companies fail. The failure of many projects, despite substantial investments, can be explained by the fact that the cart is often put before the horse: we think technology before thinking about strategy. Companies must therefore take stock of their situation as a priority in order to determine the direction to take.

In a post-pandemic era, the shift towards Industry 4.0 thus takes on its full meaning and even becomes a necessity if we want to gain flexibility and reduce costs. But to approach this turning point successfully, it is above all necessary to have a correct overview of all the processes and functions of your organization in order to define the most suitable solution for your business.

This article was initially published on 19 March 2021 by SXE Consulting.
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