
Meluxina will support research and the economy

Luxembourg has just acquired a supercomputer with an immense calculating power. The new machine is actually one of the most powerful in Europe. It is known as MeluXina and is operational since June 2021. But what will it be used for?

The Grand Duchy will have one of the most powerful supercomputers in Europe. The new hardware is capable of processing large volumes of data, carrying out thousands of billions of operations per second. To be exact, the Luxembourg supercomputer will have a calculating power of 10 petaflops - literally ten million billion operations per second, a number that looks like this:  10,000,000,000,000,000. MeluXina's performance should be able to reach the top 50 of the world ranking of the 500 most performant supercomputers.

Gaining momentum in research

Supercomputers can process large volumes of data and perform complex calculations at high speed in areas such as modelling and simulation, big data analysis and artificial intelligence. But that's not all. They can also give new opportunities to companies to innovate and remain competitive in an ever-more digital world. Above all, MeluXina will be the main ally of very time and calculation consuming fields, such as research and economics. It's a tool with manifold uses: more accurate design of complex parts, reduced time-to-market for products and reduced material costs.

In the scientific community, it will be used for personalised medicine and eHealth projects, but also to meet the needs of companies, especially SMEs and start-ups in order to strengthen national and European innovation.

MeluXina is also a great advantage for the financial marketplace, since it will accompany the economy's digital transition. The mastodon computer will contribute to the implementation of a sustainable and reliable digital economy by making high-performance computing accessible to businesses of all sizes.

MeluXina is hosted in Bissen

Luxembourg's future supercomputer will be part of a large family of supercomputers linked throughout Europe in the European network known as EuroHPC - an initiative co-financed by the European Commission and 32 countries, and its headquarters are based in the Grand Duchy. The aim is to develop an ecosystem and infrastructure of supercomputers on the continent.

Operational by the end of 2022, the National Competence Centre for High-Performance Computing will be a one-stop shop for companies and will offer personalised professional support and technical expertise to set up HPC projects.

The new technological gem, costing 30.4 million euros, will be hosted, operated and marketed at the LuxConnect data centre in Bissen, and powered exclusively by green energy produced in part by Kiowatt, a cogeneration plant fuelled by scrap wood.

Its name MeluXina conjures up the legend of Count Sigefroi and M̩lusine, which refers to the origins of Luxembourg and is visually aligned with the country's signature: 'LuXembourg Рlet's make it happen'.
© SIP / Julien Warnand
Source: luxembourg.public.lu

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