
Transnational call for R&D projects in lightweighting technologies open

Founded in 1985, Eureka is the world’s largest public network for international R&D and innovation cooperation.

The Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy and national funding bodies in Austria, Belgium (Flanders and Wallonia), Canada, France, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland are providing R&D project funding to organisations collaborating on international projects in lightweighting technologies. Applications can be submitted until 25 April 2023 for Luxembourg businesses.

Members of the Eureka network share the common goal of boosting industry productivity and competitiveness by funding collaborative market-driven R&D projects on an international scale.

This current call is based on a mutual agreement among several participating countries and regions, and it seeks proposals for collaborative research or the joint development of innovative products, processes, or services for commercialisation in the field of lightweighting technologies. “In an increasingly connected world, collaboration across borders is essential. Strong partnerships within leading Europe regions and worldwide allow access to customers, technologies and best practices for all stakeholders’ businesses and research institutions,” Eureka explained in a statement.

Partner search support

Companies in the grand duchy are invited to submit R&D projects as part of a consortium that includes at least one project partner from any of the other participating countries or regions: Austria, Belgium (Flanders and Wallonia), Canada, France, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

During an international webinar and matchmaking event taking place on Wednesday 8 February at 14:00, interested participants will have the chance to initiate potential project partnerships, learn more about the eligibility criteria, and ask questions. This event follows the initial national webinar about the lightweighting call on 26 January by Luxinnovation.

Up to €700,000 in R&D project funding

Each country’s national funding body oversees providing and disbursing funds to eligible businesses, which in Luxembourg can apply for grants of up to €700,000 per project, covering up to 80% of eligible costs, depending on the project type and company size.

In total, the ministry has earmarked €4.5 million for R&D project funding to an inexhaustible range of sectors that require lightweighting technologies, including automotive, aerospace, maritime, energy, construction, infrastructure, health, farming, forestry, and others.

A multisectoral project scope

Elisabeth Frisch, Luxinnovation, speaks about transnational R&D project funding“This call is not sector-specific, which makes it possible for many businesses to be eligible,” explains Luxinnovation’s Corporate R&D and Innovation Advisor, Elisabeth Frisch, who adds that “it is a great opportunity for companies to complement their knowledge and generate new products, processes or services that make them more competitive.”

Aside from the commercial value that lightweight technologies provide, they also help to propel environmentally friendly and tailored solutions to major industrial challenges, and their impact is extensive. Energy and resource efficiency, long-term value chain creation, and lightweight integration in more sectors are ideal outcomes for projects.

Lightweight technologies continue to have enormous untapped potential in a variety of industries. However, Europe is well-positioned, having been the largest global market in the automotive lightweight materials market last year, followed by North America. According to the Business Research Company’s most recent report, published in January 2023, the global market share is expected to reach $167.05 billion by 2027 at a compound annual growth rate of 9.4%.

New and improved joining technology in multimaterial design, novel lightweighting materials, the optimisation of (multimaterial) design approaches, lightweighting through functional integration, additive manufacturing, improved life cycle assessment, and circular economy models are among the project areas to be researched or developed. As such, projects should be able to address and demonstrate their potential in at least one of the fields mentioned in the call description. All projects will be evaluated based on their impact, excellence, implementation quality and efficiency, and experts’ overall perception of the project.

Luxembourg-specific rules and key deadlines

From 25 January to 25 April 2023, Luxembourg businesses can apply for the R&D project funding. Luxembourg applicants must submit a national application through the MyGuichet.lu platform in addition to the Eureka project application. Applicants are advised to get in contact with Luxinnovation at least one month before the call deadline.

“All eligible companies are invited to apply. The Luxinnovation team is always happy and available to assist companies with the application process,” says Ms Frisch.

National evaluation procedures and application eligibility checks by Eureka will begin in May 2023. Funding decisions will be made at the national level between July and December, with projects expected to begin between October 2023 and January 2024.

Please feel free to contact Luxinnovation using the “contact your national funding body” form to discuss your project idea, financial viability and eligibility.

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